Moving Muskoka
All Homes, Cottages, Custom Homes, Renovations, ResidentialSunsets and More…
Sunsets and More…
After falling in love with the area in the early 1990s, vibrant Oakville couple, began to envision themselves acquiring a quaint cottage of their own.
Drawing inspiration from the serene landscape , a vibrant couple created their ultimate beach retreat on the shores of Lake Huron
An entertaining cabana addition in Grand Bend Inspired by surrounding lanscape.
Rebuilt cottage in a mature Grand Bend subdivision incorporates modern convenience while maintaining the character of the neighbourhood – See more at: http://www.okewoodsmith.com/#sthash.SLQTgGwP.dpuf
Turning a simple cottage into a year round retreat, set on the Lake Hurons shoreline over looking one of the worlds best sunsets.
London Home Builders 2011 Ace Awards 2011 Best Overall New Home Design $751,000 and over Oke Woodsmith Building Systems Inc. A refined Craftsman-style cottage incorporates elements from the past.
While they wanted to maximize the lake view, he also wanted to give the couple some privacy. The 15-foot setbacks on each side of the home greatly reduced the frontage, which was just 50 feet along the lakefront.
Wining entry for the 2009 National Sam Awards; Custom Homes: Single Detached Home Between 1,500 – 2,200 sq.ft.
A dilapidated lakefront cottage transformed into an award-winning home. In September 2009, the Ontario Home Builders’ Association recognized Oke Woodsmith’s efforts as the cottage was declared Most Outstanding Home Renovation. It was also a finalist for the Canadian Home Builders’ Association awards in the Single Detached Home Between 1,500-2,000 Square Feet category.